I look at their story last night and I praise God. It took 5 hours from the minute mom was feeling pain to the minute of baby announcing her arrival to the world. They went thru the whole labor process and mom gave birth naturally. Doctors rarely can explain why women give birth prematurely and especially in cases like this why baby is ready to go ahead of schedule.
But it reminds me of the lesson we are going thru in the class Mercy and I are leading in the Singles Ministry at Shandon Baptist. We are walking thru the book of Job and last week talked about how Jobs 3 friends tried to encourage him to repent thinking something in his life caused his pain.
But the key to Jobs three friends understanding of what happened is rooted in the fact they never knew about Job chapters 1 and 2. They never saw Gods pride in Jobs righteousness and his integrity. They never saw Gods protection and provision when everything was unleashed.
But you know what Job saw, what he saw that was needed. In Job 9:33-35. An arbitrator. Someone to stand between him and God. Someone to remove Gods wrath and make Him approachable. A friend, a true friend that could make The Holy Almighty's Glory and Presence touchable.
I look at the story of my friend and their baby girl who came before a name could be found and I see Gods provision. I see Gods salvation and rescue. His sovereignty shines and His compassion covers. I see His workmanship already pulsing thru this baby girl who was ready to challenge the world and tough enough to not only come but to breathe on her own and the fingerprint of Gods will and purpose shadows the circumstances of it all.
My God is the God of babies. My God is the Perfect Father. My God develops the early and strengthens the weak. My God has a purpose and a plan in all shadows of uncertainty. His redemptions burst forth in praise in a babys cry and the breath of His creation sings His praise.
Answers never came to Job as to why. An explanation was never given. But Immanuel was given. A seal of salvation was given. God wrapping us in His Presence while we walk thru the valley was a promise and a reality to all His children, 4 thousand years ago and still today. The mystery may be wrapped still but God is open before us.
So Lord take this mighty princess of your Kingdome and continue to develop her. Give her wisdom and strength, beauty and health. May her voice be strong with praise to You Lord, may joy and love flow from her eyes and her words. May her life be one of beauty and power as Your Spirit dwells with her and guides her. Keep Your daughter from harm, from sickness, from lack of development, from pain thru this process. You brought her into this world now may she grow into a vibrant beautiful warrior and lover of Jesus Christ who can cry out- My God lives and I live for Him!