Sunday, December 20, 2009

360 degrees

I really love my church. And the best part of the church is the Senior pastor. That might sound a little weird but let me explain. I believe that in Scripture God has called us to work in this world as a combined supernatural force thru the means of the local church.
The Body of Christ is the Bride of Christ- meant to look different in each setting, all adhering to the purpose of bringing God glory in accordance with the Scriptures.
And the pastor sets the tone for that- the substitute Shepherd for Jesus until He returns to help us grow and set before us a vision of carrying out the Great Commission. Its a good thing when you can trust your pastor to set you as the Body before Christ on a consistent basis. That is one of the main reasons I love my church is because I know that Dick Lincoln submits himself daily to our Lord with that concerns.
But heres the other thing. I love my church because God speaks to me thru it. I'm afraid that lately I have been letting my own selfishness get in the way of my walk. In my head making this walk more about me than about God. Having the best job for my family, making the right amount of money for them, fulfilling what God has placed in my heart, have all become bigger in my sight than exalting the Lamb and the babe in the manager.
So what a day for the Holy Spirit to speak. Dr Lincoln was talking about the gift of eternal life when he mentioned that your path with God is like this role of ribbon laid down in front of you. Now Jesus isn't an alligator. He doesn't run about zigzagging sporadically or slithering like a snake- He walks and we follow Him.
When we stop following Him is when we step off the path He has placed in front of us. There is one way. One direction and 359 different degrees we can turn to that will lead us off His promise and future.
I think I have been so worried about being on the right path and seeing all the different angles that I have been forgetting to focus on what He is bringing me thru. I have been kicking my feet into the dust with a head hanged low, complaining about how I should have had better when really I deserve so much less without His mercy and grace.
Content in the one degree, thats my prayer for me this season. To be able to look at where God has me and my family and to know this is His path, He has laid the road and all I need to do is follow.

What a Joy

This past Sunday I had a chance to go and share with a church family in Jenkinsville, SC. It truly was a treat. First of all it was a church that my grandparents had taken me when I stayed with them during the summers while I was growing up. Secondly, it was a church potluck day! And you can't get better than good ole' country cooking by good ole' country folk. And thirdly, I got to join with a dear friend and brother Philip Vaughan in sharing God's Word.
Now Philip and I used to work together when I was the Student Pastor in Chapin. He was the Senior Adult Pastor and I truly grew in my love and admiration of this guy. He got called to be the Senior Pastor at Little River Baptist and invited me to share with them in their Advent Celebration. (probably just because he wanted me back in the pulpit not that he actually needed a break!)
It was a great day and I am going to try and post that lesson on here pretty soon too.
One of the big things I took away that day though was the heritage we give to our families. I look at Matthew 1 and Luke 3 and see the genealogies of Joseph and Jesus. As you look thru the names of the people listed, and their stories, what stands out to me is the fact that our faith and our troubles get passed down thru the generations.
And as I stood by that pulpit seeing my grandmother and grandfather who made sure to take their grandkids to church each summer. Or made sure to take their kids, my mom and invest into her the Scriptures and the model of being a part of the Body of Christ; well I honestly can say I wouldn't be the same without them. I praise God for that. And I pray to God that I will be able to build on that for my family too.
What a joy it will be to see what they will become in their faith- more on that in a bit..