Friday, September 10, 2010

Bed rest vs Rewards

Too often we miss sight of God's provision in the midst of our troubles. It is often once we have had a moment to reflect after everyhting has settled that we notice how prevalent God's faithful Hand was guiding us, abiding with us, protecting us. I think to my son's birth this past week. Deacon Zechariah was born Saturday 9/4 at 6lbs 12oz and 18 inches long. A good healthy baby boy! Thank you God. But that was after 17 hours of labor at 36 weeks. A tough day for any couple. Add to that the 7 weeks my wife was on bed rest at 4cm dialated and the craziness level begins to rise. To think as I was holding my son, what would have happened if I saw him 7 weeks earlier. To think of the problems he would have been faced with, the issues affecting him. The trial brought a fuller reward. Our blessing increased as a family as long as we were able to persevere. And the bed rest that stretched me to limits previously unknown gave us a healthier son. I feel the same principles relate to the journey God often takes us on. The trials we face are often difficult and stretching. But figuratively He has the situation, you directly or a larger piece in the womb, still needing time to develop and grow. How hard I resist God's urge to sit and grow but if I submit to the time God calls me to be in the womb, I can truly become all that He desires. And make His reward, the fuller display of His glory even greater.