Saturday, September 13, 2008

Its been decided- Its a Girl!!!

I cant lie. I wanted a boy. With all the pressures girls have to face the days with being beautiful enough or skinny enough or talented enough or just as good as a guy- it just seemed easier to raise a boy than a girl. 
Well God decided that would not be the case for us. As the doc said when she did the ultrasound- "Well I cant see anything, I cant see, got the legs crossed...oh wait no its all indoor plumbing for her- no question its a girl!" 
And I just bought my first of many pink polka-dotted room accessories. Oh yeah- we are just 5 months pregnant but a good mom is a ready mom and this mom is gooood!  I do believe that we have entered into the 'nesting phase', I really didnt want that to come until we had a good job and were in our own house but sorry David! Looks like these boarders are staying a bit longer for sure!!
We are really excited about "________" coming into this world or at least getting ready for her. I love it and Mercy loves (sarcastically) all the times I throw her down and find the baby and start talking to her, leaving a large stain of spit smeared on her belly. I'm just a dad trying to connect, you know!
But thats right- there is a blank. Because on the day of our unexpected news, we decided we werent sure if we like 'Ridley' as our baby girls name. We have a couple of rules or guidelines for picking out the name- but a new list is forming and will be posted soon for you to vote on- So be ready!!!! 
Or this chick is going to be named Jasmine Caedance Issabella James Jr Clonts!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

My little acorn

So this past week I got off my job-searching butt and did some trade labor for rent. Mercy and I have been staying at her dads and he has been incredibly gracious to us through this whole transition period. But I was able to give a little back and I have a story to tell about it. 
David, my dad-in-law, is planning on selling his house and to get it in a more buyable position wanted to add a new bathroom/powder room downstairs. To get started we wanted to go ahead and run the sewer line for the new bathroom- i guess powder rooms dont have showers.  Anyways we ran a trench from the side of the house to the main line in the front yard- about 120 feet!!!  It was a good bit of digging and I guess working behind a desk for so long isnt the best way to keep in shape! 
I was trying to finish up a section late one afternoon when out of nowhere a little acorn drops in front of me on my pile of dirt. I of course searching for any reason to pause stretch and breath, bent down and picked it up. And then I put it in my pocket. 
We finished up, I threw my clothes in the wash and dryer so I could look just as stylish the next day of work. And in the morning the acorn was still in my pocket- all the dirt was gone but the acorn remained. 
Last week I finished reading through the book of Job, where towards the end God speaks to Job and his friends- it really spoke to me because God says listen, I am involved in everything- nothing happens without me. The raven doesnt feed her babies without me- I know when the pain of childbirth for the deer has ended- I provide for the lioness and her cubs. I hold all things together, I am a part of all things. 
For me that simple reminder simply rocked my day- God knows my baby- He is knitting it together forming a plan and a hope and a future for it. God is not just with me as we are feeling lost right now, it was His decision and the job I get wont be about my charisma or my qualifications or someone taking a chance on me but its going to be about my God saying this is how I am going to meet your need. 
When I picked up that acorn I said to myself- you dont want to be here little guy- I dont need a tree growing through my pipe. You need a better place to be planted. That acorn was bright green when I picked it up- too early to be plucked off a tree by the wind but it was. When I pulled it out of my pocket from the dryer- it was a little darker a little more ready for its next step. 
And perhaps thats a small representation of my family in God's hands- you are not ready to be planted here. I need to take you to a place where you can grow, and I need to put you through a couple of things to make you a little more ready for what I have for you next. And in the process I will provide for you, I will hold you together and keep my hope in front of you- just be my acorn, be in my hands for a while until I am ready to plant you and make you into what I want.